Welcome, Dartmouth English Department

Thank you for your consideration. What follows is an explanation of my work and how to engage with it.

I write, I produce, and I edit audio documentaries. 

Sometimes my work is investigative. Sometimes it’s historical. Sometimes it’s personal. Always it features the core elements of creative nonfiction — structure, pacing, tone and texture — in stories primarily meant to be heard, not read. 

You can engage with my work in a few different ways: 

1. Selected works: To the right of your screen is a curated selection of my work (or find it by clicking here and scrolling down, if you’re on a phone). These stories aren’t in a particular order, so feel free to click around to what interests you most. Note: some of these are taken out of order from a larger series, so keep that in mind while listening.

2. An alternative route: You may prefer to listen to all the episodes of one show from start to finish. (In the audio world that might be most like a book, since it’s written over a period of years.) If you want to do that, I’d suggest “The Last Archive”, a show I created with historian and New Yorker writer Jill Lepore. Here’s a landing page for that, with links to listen and a description of how this award-winning podcast found and used sound. 

Thank you, and enjoy.

- Sophie Crane